Friday, January 31, 2014


1.30  Debut

You have arrived
a ball not lost
carried to the finals
and birthed
to decide whose lawn
you would like to inhabit
when that time comes
no bat could send you astray
no fielder stop your ascent
and I pray today
upon your arrival
that you make it through
this bottleneck
with a name 
which carries the weight
of your pedigree
without the drag of the past
over that fence
we could never hope to scale.


1.31  Suit

My thoughts return once more
to be reissued amended
perhaps you did
what they accused you of
when I realize you have
disrobed with strangers
and become part of a soup
which no one will drink
coming home midnights
pink glow not from jets
and without a job to boot
it seems strong decisions
are not your suit
and your suit
once hanging in the closet
waiting for the chance to maestro
once again joins the public
who eyes you in a way
brand new to me.



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