Excuse me for the moment. I was thinking about this during my morning shower, and I thought I needed to share.
Maybe you'll wish I hadn't.
But. In either case, this is best read aloud.
What do you call something that belongs to Johann Sebastian?
So, a container that belongs to J.S. would be?
Bach's box.
And if, somehow, that container was a pugilist?
Bach's boxing box.
Okay. You still with me?
Now. What if that pugilistic container belonging to J.S. had a compulision to burst into song while hammering away at his opponent--what would that be?
Bach's singing, boxing box.
And...if they had an unexpected breakout success of a variety show, what would the headlines read?
Bach's Singing, Boxing Box Sings!
Alright. I'm done now. Thanks for indulging me in my ridiculous English moment.
The Watchmaker’s Dilemma
1 day ago
I hate to admit it, but I had to giggle. But then again, it's also past my bed time. Thank you for the pre-snooze chuckle.
Hey, I do what I can!
I'll have you know I was grinning from ear-to-ear in the library as I read this. I think a few people gave me strange looks, but whatever. :)
I hoped someone would get a kick out of it. I sure did.
As a fully paid-up member of the species Homo Ludens, I loved it!
Good! I'm glad to hear it!
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