Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Unemployment: Day 1...'s the deal. I wanted to talk without having people offer me advice, so I talked to the camera. This could be chronic.

So there.



David said...

Oh, my dear Justin. There are so many things I could say because I've been where you are; but the biggest thing is just breathe and remember that this is a season in your life and it's not the end of the world, even though it feels like it. Start with that. We'll talk some more.

erin said...

Camera therapy sessions. Not too shabby. ;)
Damn faulty library equipment.

KellyMellyBoBellyBananaFanna said...

I like you. Apply for something on television.



KellyMellyBoBellyBananaFanna said...

p.s. I laughed until I cried, by the way, when I watched that. I'm not quite sure if that was the reaction you were eliciting, but I thought you should know.

It was THAT good.

KellyMellyBoBellyBananaFanna said...

p.p.s. I really need to stop hogging your comments already.

Viewtiful_Justin said...

LOL Thanks, Kelly. I'm nice and laid back at home, but put me in a monkey suit in front of a camera and...eek!

@ Erin - I think it's a nice way to unwind.

@ David - True story.

Argent said...

Aw man! Suckius Maximus! You were too good for them anyway, so F**k them. Einstein would have gotten a third Nobel prize only he had to photocopy his submission...

Is it worth following up your online application with a call or a visit maybe to explain the merger thing? Keeping them crossed for ya!

Bryan Ochalla said...

Well, at least you got some frozen custard, right? :)

Viewtiful_Justin said...

True story, Bryan!

And Kelly, you can hog my comment box all you'd like. I really don't mind!

And if you can laugh at my video blogs, I've done what I set out to do.