So, I checked out Exile on Main Street by The Rolling Stones from the library the other day. I have been reluctant to listen to them for a stupid reason.
They're my dad's favorite band. Last I heard (about seven years ago), he was gung-ho in love with them and had been for a long time. He flew to Arizona once to see them in concert. Yup...
So, listening to them sort of seemed like accepting my destiny, like becoming him in one more area. But, honestly, I see why he likes them. And...I like them. Of course, one of the only good things I got from him was his taste in music. So this shouldn't surprise me...
That's all I've got today. Pretty quietsville in my life right now...
3 days ago
To hell with your dad. If you like the Stones, like the stones. I gave up worrying about whether I was turning into my dad years ago. It's kind of inevitable that you've "inherited" some of his traits since he's your dad; but you are you. Fabulous, inimitable, hot-mess you.
First, listen to David :) Second, I've never really listened to the Stones -- other than a few of their old classics. What is it that you like about them?
I don't know, Bryan...something about Mick Jagger's lack of restraint...something about the lyrics, the unabashed emotion and honesty of some of it...and some of it just plain rocks.
I have the same fears about sharing too many traits with my father (reason #1 why I limit my alcohol consumption, but that's another chat altogether) so I understand your hesitation.
But I figure, no one is all bad or all good and if there are good things to be found in an unlikely source then they can be embraced and cherished while allowing the negative things to slide on by and disappear.
FWIW - my favorite RS is "Anybody seen my Baby." Don't care how much some people think it sounds like Constant Craving. It is clearly superior.
I'll have to give it a listen. What album is it on?
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