I am absent. I may be back, but I'm no longer spending hours of time reading blogs here. At least not every day. A few of you I'm sure I will keep reading, just because I love your blogs.
If you want to read my blogs, I'll probably still be posting them here and at http://viewtiful-justin.xanga.com.
Places to visit in my Hometown.
2 days ago
Hi Justin, of course I still want to read your blog and I hope you are not contemplating giving up blogging. Please visit me, I have something for you.
I hope everything is all right?
Yeah, no giving up blogging, ok? Yours is a good quality one that I love to read.
What prompted this, Justin? Are you feeling burned out? I understand that -- I've been a bit too busy with work and life lately to blog as much as I used to -- but I hope you won't give it up entirely! Hope to see you on my blog now and then, too :)
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