I just got a call from the bank where I had that bad interview. They want me to drive an hour tomorrow morning for another interview. I told them I would. And now? I just don't want to...but that's not the point of this post!
It was almost 80 yesterday, and it's looking to be about the same today!
I would have been stupid NOT to ride my bike yesterday. So, off I went in my black tank top and black and blue plaid shorts. I wanted a tan. I figured I'd burn. I didn't really do much of either, despite being out in the sun for almost an hour. But there's plenty more year left, and I am determined to be tan (without using a tanning bed) before Pride this year! And I'm hoping to avoid a farmer's tan for once in my life. We shall see.
Speaking of seeing...I met this happy lady on my ride:
She was chasing a stick thrown by her man. I rode up and heard a big SPLASH!!! I thought, "Gosh, I hope that wasn't what it sounded like! It was not.
She was a good fetcher! Her man and I chatted a little about how she was living the high life...and how she touched the Kish so she's never leaving DeKalb again. But hey, when your whole life is get-the-stick, get-the-stick, get-the-stick, I think DeKalb is a pretty good place to be damned.
It certainly is pretty this time of year. It almost makes me forget about winter entirely when the Violets start poking their white and purple heads up.
They're my next favorite, after Daffodils...maybe because they usually pop their heads up right after.
We were all enjoying the sun. And today? I think I'm going to do the same once more. Who knows...maybe I'll see the Water Guy leaping into the Kish to fetch something...
Except...i just got a phone call from a friend who wants me to help her move. Right. I'd almost forgotten. Maybe I'll just ride my bike over there.
Japan 2025
1 day ago
Enjoyed riding with you today. Stuck at work in a pokey office, ho hum.
80 degrees? I'm jealous! Hope you don't have to spend your whole day helping your friend move (so you can get out there and enjoy the sun and warmth again).
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